Storyteller Elizabeth Clamon, Was Disabled And Bedridden For 12 Years And Now Shares Her Story On Stage

What is your area of expertise, who do you serve, and how do you serve them?
I am an Expert Storyteller and Visibility Specialist. I work with aspiring and emerging speakers, coaches, authors, and entrepreneurs, to craft their story and I provide visibility opportunities, through anthologies, virtual and live events, and being a guest on my TV show and podcast.
Why would someone choose you over a competitor?
I’m a Professional Speaker, international bestselling author, Expert Story Crafter, and Visibility Specialist. Clients choose me so they can be seen and heard, generate leads, and sales because great stories sell, great stories make a memorable impact, and great stories inspire people to action. I also work with women who have experienced trauma to tell their stories as a means of healing.
Clients also choose me because of my large network. They can gain a great amount of visibility opportunities by working with me.
Share a specific time you encountered an obstacle and describe how you overcame it.
It’s easier to tell you than to write it all out. These videos tell you about the two biggest obstacles I have overcome.
Share a short story about your best (or favorite) case study.
I was speaking at an event with several other speakers, one of the speakers, I’ll call her Judy, was having a difficult time connecting with the audience. She didn’t tell a compelling story and her examples were awkward and not helping to get the point.
After the event I had people lined up at my table to meet me and get signed copies of my books. Later that evening Judy called me and ask what she did wrong and how could she get the results I was getting.
I explained to her that storyteller is an art and not everyone does it naturally, but it can be taught. She signed up that night for my Expert Storytelling Academy and after three months in my program she had people lining up to meet her after speaking events and to buy her upcoming book. I love teaching others to tell their story, this is nothing more rewarding than seeing them achieve great things.
What advice would you give the “20-Year-Old-You” who’s eager to start in life?
Thrust your gut! Our instincts guide us if we will only listen. If you feel strongly about something or you have an uneasy feeling trust that it will never steer you wrong.
Please describe a monumental time in your life that you’ll never forget.
When I was finally better enough, after twelve years of being disabled and bedridden to stand on a stage and share my story. The impact it has on others is miraculous.
List the direct links/URL to your social media profiles so people can follow you:
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