Building a Newsletter Business: A Cool and Attractive Venture with Data Ownership. Learn the strategies to create a product people love, monetize your newsletter, and grow...
What is not true about digital marketing? There’s no denying that digital marketing is one of the most versatile and effective ways to reach your target market....
Starting a business is hard. It takes guts, determination, and a lot of hard work. But what many entrepreneurs forget when starting out is that there...
Email is an integral part of the modern workplace – but it’s not always easy. It can be hard to gauge someone’s tone from behind a...
There’s a new age of marketing upon us, and it’s time for businesses to adapt. How can you succeed with new age marketing? Traditional advertising methods...
Is marketing a good major? This is a question that many people have, and it is a valid question. After all, marketing is a field that...
If you’ve ever seen an advertisement for a product or service that you have no interest in, you might be wondering why marketers continue to produce...
As a business, it’s essential to find ways to increase your content’s shareability, as this can lead to increased brand awareness, traffic and even sales. In...
What is your area of expertise, who do you serve, and how do you serve them? My expertise is in social media and reputation management. I...
Yahya Bakkar is a world-class speaker, business mentor, and legacy builder. His entire philosophy in entrepreneurship is to build the right business models for a stable...