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Meet Macdonald Mailula An Accomplished Speaker & NLP Coach

Staff Writer



What is your area of expertise, who do you serve, and how do you serve them?

Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Life Coach and an Inspirational Speaker I have been interviewed in various sabc radio stations and I appeared on SABC Morning live and Sabc Motswako I speak on Various community radio station also an Author of 2 published books 1. Shattered but Reshaped For Purpose 2. Am I going to get marries again to who and how Have 4 new upcoming books

Why would someone choose you over a competitor?

I am true to myself and i do not hide my scars and am blunt and true to my being, and i do my work not to be liked but because it’s my calling

Share a specific time you encountered an obstacle and describe how you overcame it.

When i was falsely prosecuted where my second wife lied to the general public and law enforcement of South Africa that i abused her and laid my hands on her. I just believed and prayed to God and my ancestors that they should intervene.

Share a short story about your best (or favorite) case study.

Your Past is not your Destination no matter what people think or say about you and leave a legacy not a vacancy in this world even in the next life you shall have peace

What advice would you give the “20-Year-Old-You” who’s eager to start in life?

Be true, Be content with your truth never try to be someone else, Be yourself even when it’s hard.

Please describe a monumental time in your life that you’ll never forget.

When i became true to myself and started acknowledging my scars thats where i took a journey to be a better man.

List your social media profiles where people can follow you:

Thought Leaders Ethos is an online publication focused on meaningful thought leadership for today's innovators. Our mission is to turn great ideas into action by showcasing the people, ideas and events shaping the world’s most exciting innovations.

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