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Meet Leadership Expert & Thought Leader Michael Levitt

Staff Writer



What is your area of expertise, who do you serve, and how do you serve them?

Michael Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout media firm. He is an in-person and Certified Virtual Speaker, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of the new book BURNOUT PROOF.

Why would someone choose you over a competitor?

Michael hosts the Breakfast Leadership Show, a top 200 global podcast on iTunes. Michael’s A Top 20 Global Thought Leader on HR & Culture with Thinkers360. and a former Healthcare executive, overseeing $ 2 Billion budgets. Michael Levitt has spoken to thousands of people around the world. In this talk he will teach you some of the most important things he’s learned about burnout prevention His main keynotes are: 1. Burnout Prevention: How To Avoid Your Own Year of Worst-Case Scenarios 2. Workplace Culture: Create A Workplace That People Will Beg To Work With 3. Working Remotely With Boundaries: How To Accomplish More At Home, Without Burning Out

Share a specific time you encountered an obstacle and describe how you overcame it.

Between May 2009 and May 2010, I had a heart attack that should have killed me, lost my job during the economic recession, had my car repossessed, and my home foreclosed, all in a period of 369 days. It was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Share a short story about your best (or favorite) case study.

I was working with a healthcare executive, that was having a difficult time with her team. There was a lack of trust (that was inherited, to no fault of her own.) She was also so stressed, that it impacted her ability to start a family with her spouse. After learning some stress reduction and team culture skills, her team turned around, and her workplace was no longer toxic. She also shortly thereafter conceived, and now has a healthy and growing very fast, son.

What advice would you give the “20-Year-Old-You” who’s eager to start in life?

Establish boundaries in your life. Say no more. Take care of yourself FIRST.

Please describe a monumental time in your life that you’ll never forget.

My 369 days (May 2009-May 2010) where I nearly died and lost everything (job, car, home.)

List your social media profiles where people can follow you:

Thought Leaders Ethos is an online publication focused on meaningful thought leadership for today's innovators. Our mission is to turn great ideas into action by showcasing the people, ideas and events shaping the world’s most exciting innovations.

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