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Submission Guidelines


Our readers expect valuable and original content to learn from and/or be motivated by. We expect our writers to be authentic, have a clear voice, and provide meaningful material. 

Before submitting an article, please read through the guidelines so you’re clear with what we expect and to increase your chances of getting reviewed and published. Make sure your article is ready to publish (no grammatical errors, no big block paragraphs, proper formatting, etc)

  • UNIQUE ANGLE: Your article should be an original piece and not published elsewhere. Please write from your unique perspective allowing readers insight into your voice.
  • LINK: Articles should be non-promotional and not contain links to unwarranted products
    or services. A link to your website will be provided in the author byline.
  • LENGTH: A minimum of 800 words and max around 1500.
  • BIOGRAPHY: Bio must be 80 words or less.
  • TOPICS: Leadership, Professional Development, Marketing, Sales, Management,
    Entrepreneurship, Career.
  • NOTIFICATION: If you do not receive a response in 10-14 days, you can assume the
    article will not be published and can submit another article pitch.
  • EDITS: We expect articles to be publish-ready but we may make some tweaks to
    formatting or structure.

How To Submit One-Off Articles: 

GOOGLE DOC: Send your final draft to with these components in the google doc. Please do not send a word doc or a pdf, it MUST be a link to the google doc in edit mode otherwise your article will may not get accepted or will drastically delay the process

  1. Bio (80 words or less)
  2. Links to Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
  3. Gravatar email
  4. Title of article
  5. Article (properly formatted)

If you do not know what a gravatar is, go here to set one up:

Recommended Article Structure

Structure your article using the Heading tags in google docs. Use the “Heading 1” for your title, “Heading 2” for subheadings, and “Heading 3” for inner sub sections” and keep your paragraphs to complete thoughts.

We are not looking for one sentence paragraphs but we also do not want big blocks of paragraphs. Use bullet points, quotes, or other writing mechanisms to break up the content into consumable chunks.

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