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Get To Know Blair Webb As She Conquers The World Despite Her Disability

Vianka Petines



What is your area of expertise, who do you serve, and how do you serve them?

My area of expertise is in the world of accessibility. I am confident in writing audio descriptions, captions, and image descriptions.

Why would someone choose you over a competitor?

Someone would choose to work with me instead of a competitor because as a person with a disability, I know the importance of accessibility.

Share a specific time you encountered an obstacle and describe how you overcame it.

As a person with a day with a disability, I am having challenges with finding accessible housing. However, I am not giving up on looking for the right living situation.

Share a short story about your best (or favorite) case study.

Createability is new, but I had the opportunity to do audio description for the Jim Henson Theatre Company.

What advice would you give the “20-Year-Old-You” who’s eager to start in life?

I would tell my younger self to enjoy every minute of college.

Please describe a monumental time in your life that you’ll never forget.

A monumental time in my life was wheeling myself across the stage for my graduation from UC Berkeley.

List the direct links/URL to your social media profiles so people can follow you:
IG: blair.webb.313
FB: Blair Webb

Vianka is skilled in social media marketing, content writing, and graphic design. She is active in strategic planning sessions and provides valuable input from her college-educated vantage point.

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